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anyone with knowledge about air conditioner repair?

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We have three air conditioners in our house. Today all three stopped working at the same time. I checked the fuses and they are fine. Then I checked each unit. Each one turns on and off and the fan for each one turns on and off. Yet, none of them are blowing cold air. They each have their own thermostat and are individual units. What would cause all three to stop blowing cold air at the same time? :confused:

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That's weird! Are they window units or the bigger systems?


Was there a power surge or thunderstorm? I don't know much about how the units work, but I'm wondering if there is some electronic chip that might have been damaged.


Oh -- another thought -- is there any physical damage to the units? There has been a rash of damaged AC systems around here as someone is stealing copper tubing.

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That's weird! Are they window units or the bigger systems?


Was there a power surge or thunderstorm? I don't know much about how the units work, but I'm wondering if there is some electronic chip that might have been damaged.


Oh -- another thought -- is there any physical damage to the units? There has been a rash of damaged AC systems around here as someone is stealing copper tubing.


They are all bigger systems. It has been raining, but no storms. I flipped all of the fuses in the fuse box, but I don't know anything about the electronics of an air conditioner. It just seems so weird because they are three separate systems. I went out and looked, but I don't see any damage. They stopped working while we were all home and all three units are on the second floor - out on the roof so they aren't easily accessible.

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Another thing could be that they all are out of freon. Look at the tubes that run from the a/c unit to the house. If there is ice build up on there then it is probably out of freon.


I went and looked but didn't see any ice build-up. Could all three units use the same freon source? If they could, that would make sense.

On a side note - how much is freon??

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Could all three units use the same freon source?


That would certainly explain it, but I'm not sure they work that way. Worth checking.


Also, is it possible that one of the units was working "overtime" to give the allusion that all three were working until this one stopped? We have two units that had to be replaced within a year of one another... and they were a year apart in installation... so it is possible that they really did go out together, but it does seem surprising.


How old are the units? It could be a simple freon fix... perhaps a leak? You might have a company come inspect it just to be safe.

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