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Catching up FLL and WWE - 1st/2nd grade


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Hello! I pulled my daughter out of school in January and spent much of the year catching her up on basics for what a first grader should know (math, especially). She is an awesome reader, but other things need work. This coming year, I especially want to work on writing and grammar for second grade.


We have FLL and Complete Writer. We did some FLL this spring, and we also did a lot of Bible copywork and narration. We'll be doing CC in the fall, and so I know she'll get a lot of memory work through that.


Do you think it would work to go more quickly through FLL and WWE 1/2? Should I just skip the FLL memory work since she'll have so much from CC? I don't want to skip essentials, but she did learn some things from me (former English teacher) and from school experiences, though the latter is haphazard. I'm just looking for a roadmap at this point. Any thoughts?



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My son was easily able to handle FLL and WWE 1&2 last year in 2nd grade. FLL, using the original text, is only 200 lessons. We just had to double up on some of the shorter repetitive lessons. I used the WWE text book and focused on the scripted weeks for WWE1 and then went straight into WWE2, cutting out enough to finish by the end of school year. The memory work in FLL is mostly short poems with a longer ones. I would take them on a case by case bases. If you feel she is getting enough skip it.

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I would not worry about the memory work in FLL if she is doing CC - unless it is grammar memory work - like definitions of nouns, etc.

In first grade we started WWE in January, and we always do 2 lessons together (one dictation, one narration), about 3 times a week.

In my humble opinion, some of the FLL1 lessons are redundant - if you do them like we do, every day. So you can go fast through some lessons and double up.


Have fun!

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