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Classical music fans: Favorite online streaming station?

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I enjoy listening to classical music, and now that we have a faster computer that is located in our school space, I'm looking for a station to have on in the background... of school, my day, quiet time, etc.

On the radio I listen to our local classical station (KUSC) which I enjoy, but maybe there are some great ones out there I've never even heard of!


Do you have a favorite station you listen to online?


I'm particular to:

Commercial free

Low talk (or very good informational background talk!)

Streaming that shows info on the song being played

Emphasis on "classic" composers, with some new ones introduced as well--maybe 75/25 with more obscure composers

Mozart. I really love Mozart.

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I am so glad you asked this! A friend of mine told me about Pandora Radio, and I think it will meet all of your "particulars." You just choose an artist (like Mozart) that you are partial to, and they will design a radio station for you that only plays music of that sort. I personally love John Dowland's music, and I've got my "own" radio station that plays his music and others of that genre.


Here's the link:


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I love Pandora radio. You can also choose a particular piece of music you like and they will select other pieces with shared characteristics (and they will tell you the characteristics they use). You can also edit as they play selections... you can say "Yes, I like this. Play more like this." or "No, I don't like this. Don't play this piece again." It's very nice and easy to use.

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