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Prima Latina and English From the Roots Up


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Have you tried to combine Prima Latina and EFRU in the same school year? My ds is 10yrs old and dd is 9yrs. This is a recommended combination in TWTM for the logic stage. If you've combined the two, how did you schedule it?


Thanks!!!:grouphug: Melissa

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Hi, I simply treat EFTRU as an ongoing subject unto itself, and it couldn't be easier. About once a week or so, we do the next word in the book - Latin in red, Greek roots in green. I make up a flashcard - root on front with def. and derivatives on the back. The children have notebooks and one of the sections is labeled roots. They record the root, def, and derivatives as well. (BTW, we tried having the dc make flashcards as well, but I was always finding them around the house...sigh), so instead they keep a running list in their notebooks.


Each morning during our together time, we simply go through the flashcards together quickly. So, it probably takes about 15 min. one day a week, and 5 min the other days.


We treat Latin as a separate subject, but there is definitely overlap and the dc love it when that happens - they are seeing connections! Even my younger ones are starting to make connections with unfamiliar words based on the roots they have learned!




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BKPAN: Thanks so much for the great post. Since you consider EFTRU as an ongoing subject you don't finish the flashcards in one "school" year? Could you explain a little more why one day a week takes you 15 minutes to go through the "flashcards" but only 5 minutes the other days? Thanks again for your post

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When we are ready for a new word, maybe after 5-6 days or so, I will introduce the word while I make a flashcard. Together I will write the definition and the derivatives on the card while dc are filling out their roots sheet for the new root word. This takes maybe 15 min or so. We will use the derivatives in sentences and sometimes they can come up with other derivatives on their own as well. Then I usually just go around the table and each child will get the next card in the stack. He might say graph from the Greek, what it means, and maybe a derivative. Then on to the next child... (they are kinda competitive, go figure:D)


So, all the other days will only be 5 min or so. When I am confident that everyone at the table can tell give me the info on the newest word, then it is time for a new root.


It is a fun time and painless. The dc that are doing this range in age from 6yo to 13yo. I don't go by a year - we will just keep going as long as it takes!





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