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any llama owners here?

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I'm thinking probably not but thought I'd ask..... I'm not sure if I'm dealing with a heat issue or a health issue and won't be able to speak to my vet until the morning. The llamas were hosed down earlier and a commercial fan is going in their stall. They've had the same routine for the 7 years I've had them, going inside and out the barn when they want, getting out of heat and in front of the fan. I have someone shear them every other year and I wish this was the year as it's HOT outside.


Four llamas, one breathing differently, the oldest one. He's 15, which is pretty old for a llama. It's more like a periodic deep breathing than a heat pant. Otherwise acting fine, maybe a little slower, ate his grain without issue.


Please PM me if you have llama experience.



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