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HST question about submitting lesson plans


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I bought HST probably 3 years ago. I've used it loosely for attendance, etc. but this year as my son is going into middle school I want to use it for scheduling lesson plans. I figured out how to input lessons into the teacher section. However, once I submit the plan to a student, it is gone from my lessons plan section. What I want to do is keep that lesson plan for my dd who will use it in a few years. For example, I went through and typed in all the reading assignments for Kingfisher History Ency that correspond with STOW as a History Lesson plan. But once I submitted a few lessons to my sons assignments they are gone from my teacher lesson plans. The only way I've figured out how to "keep them" is to make a copy file with the same name. But I'm going to have many copy files if I keep doing that, you know? I confess I haven't watched the tutorial videos. I learn better by reading than watching. What do you guys do? How do you submit lesson plans the most efficient way? Thanks!



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On the lesson plans page there is a filter that probably reads "unused" on yours. If you set is to "both" it will show all the lesson plans and if you set it to "used", it will show the ones you have used so far. What I do is to set it to "Unused" and use it for my oldest throughout the year. At the end of the year, I switch to "used", highlight all of them and bring up the right-click menu, then select "mark all unused". It is then ready for the next kid to use.

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