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Has anyone seen: Declining by Degrees: Higher Ed at Risk

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It's a documentary you can watch on Netflix.


It has made me consider a number of things, one of the biggies is the possibility that my dc might not be able to afford college. I really hadn't ever considered that before.


I read an article in The Old Schoolhouse, written by 2 homeschooled young men, who encouraged college studies via distance learning. I found it very encouraging. I may have to dig it out again.


Otherwise, I might start to panic. I know not everyone considers a college degree to be essential but I hadn't considered what if my dc want to go...but can't.


Hmmm.....of course the Lord could come back tomorrow and I would have worried myself sick for nothing. I guess we'll just take it day by day.


Of course, the documentary is about much, much, much more than the rising costs. I would encourage everyone to see it if interested. It definately gave me food for thought.

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It's a documentary you can watch on Netflix.


It has made me consider a number of things, one of the biggies is the possibility that my dc might not be able to afford college. I really hadn't ever considered that before.


I read an article in The Old Schoolhouse, written by 2 homeschooled young men, who encouraged college studies via distance learning. I found it very encouraging. I may have to dig it out again.


Otherwise, I might start to panic. I know not everyone considers a college degree to be essential but I hadn't considered what if my dc want to go...but can't.


Hmmm.....of course the Lord could come back tomorrow and I would have worried myself sick for nothing. I guess we'll just take it day by day.


Of course, the documentary is about much, much, much more than the rising costs. I would encourage everyone to see it if interested. It definately gave me food for thought.





Thank you . I needed a few netflix suggestions.

Off to add it....



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  • 1 month later...

I finally got around to watching this, and I really enjoyed it. In fact, I was moved to tears by some of it: the ennui so many students and profs displayed; the weird confidence that some students displayed knowing that they could party, not crack books, study minimally, and still make As and Bs; the collegiate sports machine and the high-tech on-campus necessities required to draw students in. :glare:


Wow. All I could think of is having the opportunity to experience college again. Oh, what eagerness and passion I would have now! :001_smile:


I highly recommend the film. Here is the website from the program.

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