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Is this enough for Language Arts?

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I am thinking through what I want to do next year and I wanted to run this by all of you. Is there anything I am missing?


9 yrd old:

Writing Tales 1

Growing with Grammar 4

Sequential Spelling

Vocab - Sonlight vocab words from the reading


11 yr old:

Writing Tales 2

Growing with Grammar 5

Sequential Spelling and Apples Spelling (needs extra spelling practice!)

Vocab - Sonlight vocab words from the reading


I guess it seems light to me after last year having a whole ton of workbooks that I am ditching. Does this look like enough? TIA!

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Based upon the samples I saw of WT. But use what you have listed as a base.


Really? I thought this was a stand-alone writing program. Do those of you who have used it supplement it with something else?


Are they studying a foreign language? Perhaps add one of those or a root program?


I have looked at root programs over and over again and I just cannot decide which to choose. Some looked too advanced for my kids ages and some I just didn't like the looks of. Any ideas?

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I am using WT 2 with 11yo ds and I really don't feel that it needs to be supplemented in terms of writing instruction. I do, however, have him do subject based writing for history or science a couple times a week depending on the length of the assignment. I feel that he needs more actual writing in his curriculum than just working on one story a week but not more instruction. We don't actually even add grammar to WT but we are studying Latin.

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I am using WT 2 with 11yo ds and I really don't feel that it needs to be supplemented in terms of writing instruction. I do, however, have him do subject based writing for history or science a couple times a week depending on the length of the assignment. I feel that he needs more actual writing in his curriculum than just working on one story a week but not more instruction. We don't actually even add grammar to WT but we are studying Latin.


Can you tell me exactly how you do this? Do you have him read something in history or science and then write a paragraph or two about what he has read?

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I will give you examples of what we are doing this week. He read Cadmus and the Dragon's Teeth from Famous Men of Greece. I had him write about the founding of Thebes after reading this. I specifically asked him to tell me who founded it and how. I use the Greenleaf guide for some of these topics. We are also starting Archimedes and the Door of Science this week. After reading the first two chapters that tell who Archimedes was and what his world was like, he will write a paragraph about each of these topics. Another topic we have used this year is The Children's Homer to practice writing descriptive paragraphs. He has written paragraphs describing Achilles' armor and a battle scene. These are just a few of our recent topics.

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