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Can someone advise me on R&S English, levels 8, 9 and 10?

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My dd is going into 8th this fall. She did R&S 5 and 6 several years ago, then we switched to CW and she did a lot of grammar through Homer and Maxim. This year I want to finalize grammar with her by doing a "review" using R&S. So, which one set do I pick? I looked at previews and it seems that they teach a lot of writing techniques as well. I'm not so interested in that as much as the grammar. Any ideas? Thanks.



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I'd recommend R&S 8 in your circumstances.


R&S 9 and 10 change in tone and become very, very nitpicky. They are the grammar equivalent of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" . . . lots of esoteric knowledge with very little practical application.


I sincerely believe that R&S 8 is all the grammar *anybody* ever needs, and much more than the vast majority of students receive.


There's my two cents. :)

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