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DD13 will be homeschooling next year! After lots of research, and finding a curriculum that we both will like, she has decided to leave the school system! YES! She will not need to be leaving the house at 7:15 am in -30ºC weather anymore! Dh is a little concerned that she will buck and fight me. I don't think we will. She is a responsible girl and takes school serious. Some classes have instructors(languages, drama, art) so she is accountable to them. And we are working on a schedule. She will be working with a laid out curriculum that is broken down into 4 day weeks, so we should be be ok as most weeks we have the 5th day to do the 'homework' of things that didn't get done. This helps for the weeks we have an activity in the morning, even if afternoons are able to work, I have found we don't do alot any afternoon :) It's reading time. :lol:

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:cheers2: Great choice!!! I admit we don't always run smooth--my ds11, who claims to love hs-ing ssoo much better than ps, still fights me at times, but I am so glad we're doing it anyway!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!! And you have the advantage of already belonging to a great support group!!! :D



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