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If someone adds you to their ignore list can you no longer see their last activity...

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in the statistics of their profile?

I am having a problem with a seller in the For sale forum. She is a relatively new member and after a couple weeks I sent her several pm's to see if my package had shipped and when. She never answered my pm's and has no email associated with her account so I emailed the paypal address. When she didn't answer there either I became concerned that I may have been scammed so I started checking her profile to see her last activity to know if perhaps she just had not logged in for some time and that is why she was not answering. To make things worse each time I checked I found her last activity almost daily and posting often so I know she must have been ignoring my private messages.

Then today I checked her profile again and caught her online while I was online so I sent a message right away asking her to respond because I knew she was online through her statistic information. She did not pm but finally did email. She claimed the package had been redelivered to her, was all beat up and offered a choice of resending or refund. She claimed the lack of response was from being out of town (does not really explain it since she was active and could have responded to my pm's if she was logging on to the forum). I asked for a refund but obviously haven't received it yet. Wanting to see if she was still on I checked her statistics page and now I cannot see her last activity information. I have checked my profile customization options and cannot find a way to keep the general information on the stats from being visible so I am wondering could she have now put me on her ignore list and that is why the activity is no longer visible? Only reason I ask is that if it is not a forum quirk and it is that she has put me on her ignore list I will take it as an official attempt at blocking me from proving her deceit in regards to our transaction and will begin the paypal dispute process early rather than wait any longer for a refund.

Please lmk if and how she could have blocked me from viewing her stats.



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Not being an expert here, I suggest you search this forum (How To and Test Posting) with these words "ignore feature."

If you are on someone's ignore list, when you post, they will not see your post, just that you posted, your name and the reminder that you are on their ignore list.

I don't think we can access others' ignore lists to see who they are ignoring.:tongue_smilie:

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Thanks! My concern was not if she was ignoring me but if she could "hide" from me that way I could not try and find her to get either my book or the money back. However after my post she sent a refund right away so all is worked out. Now I don't need to find her or deal with it anymore so she can ignore or not don't care.



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Thanks! My concern was not if she was ignoring me but if she could "hide" from me that way I could not try and find her to get either my book or the money back. However after my post she sent a refund right away so all is worked out. Now I don't need to find her or deal with it anymore so she can ignore or not don't care.




And now, you can ignore her so that you don't accidentally buy from her again.

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In my fave video game, I typically play a healer class. My "Ignore" list there serves as my "do not heal" list of arse holes that I've played with previously who are too stupid to deserve me wasting my time/energy/effort at keeping their 'toons alive. "Ignore" is a multi-purpose function for me!

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