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Living in Europe???

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Anyone here live in the western part of Europe, especially Spain or Italy?


We have one more year in our contract here in Malaysia but if we decide not to renew we have to make a decision by Thanksgiving and start applying to other schools. Two of the places we are considering are Spain and Italy (although sometimes I think we may stay here a bit longer).


One of the things I need to know is the cost of living. So the big questions is, how much money, in Euros, would a family of five need to make to live comfortably in either of these two countries? Not in the lap of luxury necessarily, but comfortably, paying bills, with money left over to do fun things?


That was one mistake I made coming here...not doing enough research on cost of living vs. what our salaries would be so any help you could give us as we contemplate our next move would be helpful.



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Not yet, but we will be moving to Italy -- we made the decision five years ago and have been putting things in place to be there.


As you probably did with Malaysia, read, read, read, and ask questions like you did here - sorry that I cannot be of more help, but I'll be :bigear::bigear: in here to read the responses.:)

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