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Can I hear your reasons for Not using Math U See?

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It teaches math in the really weird way that I've always done it in my head, & seeing this weirdness in full color print is like meeting a kindred spirit. Some of it, I hadn't even really realized I did. Some of it is so weird I've pondered it, even as a kid. And *all* of it is in Singapore.


For ex, numbers are like Matryoshka dolls. 7 isn't *really* just a 7--it's a perfectly-sized tupperware for a 3 & a 4.


Most math progs teach 10s--sums of 10, etc. But you can do the same w/ 8s & it's even helpful to do w/ 5s.


If you look at them long enough, numbers become like play-doh. They're fun & creative & malleable. I don't know how to describe it, & I don't think it's good for everybody to think of them like this--for some the very inflexibility of numbers at first glance is what's GOOD about them. I don't want to take that dependability away from anyone who loves it, kwim?


Singapore teaches math like there's something there to ponder instead of just the surface of the worksheet. Like you could touch the page & there'd be a ripple instead of just the paper, like Saxon.


oooh sounds intriguing! Wonder if there's a way to 'try before buy'...?

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Here are reasons to not use MUS:


It's sequence is very different from typical US programs and this can throw off standardized test scores.


Some people don't like the DVD aspect.


Some kids have trouble with manipulating the blocks due to motor planning problems.


The word problems are a bit weak.


No color.


No textbook for the child.


Very teacher intensive.


Over reliance on one type of manipulative.


The focus on one concept per year can be a bit much.



All that said, I personally think that MUS is an excellent program and think that you would be making a fine choice to stick with it through Zeta if your child is doing well with it.

Edited by EKS
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