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What do you think of this Grammar Plan?


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My daughter completed CLE 6 this year for Grammar. She did not do the spelling portion.


The MCT threads got the best of me earlier this year and I ordered the Paragraph set. My daughter has enjoyed them immensely even though most of it was review. She has requested (begged is more like it) that we continue with MCT next year.


I want to eliminate redundancy. CLE has worked so well for grammar but if it isn't necessary for her to do it, then by all means, I don't want to. I am thinking that this will be sufficient for grammar for 7th:


MCT - Voyage Practice - 4 part sentence analysis

Giggles in the Middle


Any reason why these two together wouldn't be enough? Our spelling, writing, and penmanship are separate. Thoughts? My tentative plan was 1 sentence from MCT + 1 caught-ya per day.


That seems TONS lighter than CLE's 4ish pages per day so I'm second guessing myself.

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MCT - Voyage Practice - 4 part sentence analysis

Giggles in the Middle


Any reason why these two together wouldn't be enough? Our spelling, writing, and penmanship are separate.


Well, I'd give that plan a thumbs up, as that's pretty much my grammar plan for 7th grade, except substitute the Giggles with a weekly page from Editor in Chief. :)


The only other grammar they'll be doing is in German and Spanish.


We'll be doing the rest of Voyage level as well.

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