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How to schedule MUS and LOF Fractions?

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Could anyone tell me how they scheduled MUS Epsilon alongside LOF Fractions? I'd like to complete both in one school year. I had originally thought of doing LOF for fun on Fridays--but wondered if lessons might be too long? My daughter had no problem completing Delta in 4 days/week. I don't have a problem with dropping some MUS problems to accomodate LOF. Any suggestions? Thanks:) Gina

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My ds#2 just finished Epsilon & is almost finished LoF: Fractions. I didn't have him start LoF until he was half done MUS:Epsilon. If you want to start both at the beginning of your schoolyear you can easily get through both in a year. MUS: Epsilon has 30 lessons + 4 unit test + final exam. LoF: Fractions has 30 chapters + 6 bridge sets. I'd suggest setting up your maths week's work like this...

Mondays: MUS---dvd, pages A & D

Tuesdays: MUS---correct mistakes from AD, do B&E

Wednesdays: MUS---correct mistakes from ABDE, do C&F

Thursdays: MUS---go over any mistakes A-F, do test

Fridays: LoF---do one chapter or one bridge set


If my dc get 100% on MUS page A, they don't have to do pages BC. This has helped to get rid of many careless mistakes. You could give a week to do each unit test & the final exam & still finish in the normal 36 week school year. MUS would take you 35 weeks & LoF would take you 36 weeks. The same schedule would work for MUS:Zeta and LoF: Decimals & Percents.



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I use LoF as reinforcement for the topics taught in MUS, so I tend to schedule LoF starting a bit after MUS. You don't have to do maths this way. The schedule ds#2 uses is a bit different from what I suggested for you as we also add in NZ maths & TTC: Basic Math. What we do is...


Mondays---MUS: dvd +AD; 1 page NZ maths 8

Tuesdays---MUS: correct mistakes in AD, do BE; 1 page NZ Maths 8

Wednesdays---MUS: correct mistakes in ABDE, do CF; 1 page in NZ Maths 8

Thursdays---MUS: go over any problems in A-F, do test; 1 chapter LoF

Fridays---MUS: unit test (if assigned) or 1 lesson TTC: Basic Math; 1 chapter or bridge set in LoF


Maths takes ds#2 about 1 hour daily. The above schedule looks like a lot, but works for us. Maths makes up 25% of his daily "school" work. He works mostly independently, with me only marking the completed work & giving it back to him for correcting. Occasionally we need to go over something he just doesn't understand, but this is not very often.



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Is that because it could be difficult/time-consuming to do in conjunction with Epsilon? I assumed this was a good year, since LOF says "if you know your addition and multiplication tables by heard, your next step is to get to know Fred."


My daughter does fine in math, but doesn't LOVE it or anything. MUS only takes her about 20 min. or so a day to complete a book in a year. I don't want to overload her, we're doing an intensive writing program next year. Could you elaborate? Thanks:) Gina

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
Is that because it could be difficult/time-consuming to do in conjunction with Epsilon? I assumed this was a good year, since LOF says "if you know your addition and multiplication tables by heard, your next step is to get to know Fred."


My daughter does fine in math, but doesn't LOVE it or anything. MUS only takes her about 20 min. or so a day to complete a book in a year. I don't want to overload her, we're doing an intensive writing program next year. Could you elaborate? Thanks:) Gina


I would work about 1 semester behind MUS so that everything is learned in MUS and reinforced/expanded on in LOF. My guess is that quote is referring to switching over to LOF, not using LOF with another curriculum.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal
Just thinking about maybe completing Epsilon earlier in the year, followed by Fred. We didn't do math (Delta) on Fri. and she completed in a year, so could make her do math on Fri. next year to complete. Any thoughts? Thanks for helping me think through this!!! Blessings, Gina


As long as it isn't moving her so fast that she doesn't have time with mastery.

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When we did Epsilon and LOF fractions, we completed MUS before starting LOF. For my oldest son, the curriculums are SSOOOOO different that he didn't like waiting 6 days before coming back to LOF. We had originally tried LOF just on Fridays, but he had forgotten the math concepts from the week before. It was easier FOR HIM (just our own experience) to do one program completely and then the other for reinforcement.

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Good food for thought. I mostly make my daughter do all MUS pages---figure good review and math just does not take her that long. But think I will incorporate a system to skip pages if does well and gets it right away, allowing us to go through MUS quicker (as long as mastered) and do LOF afterwards. Thanks for all the suggestions, very helpful!!! Blessings, Gina

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My oldest rarely needs most of the worksheets in MUS, so usually our schedule is:

Monday -- watch MUS video and do a lesson worksheet.

Tuesday -- LOF

Wednesday -- MUS systematic review sheet

Thursday -- LOF

Friday -- MUS test


If I find that he needs more MUS practice, we drop LOF for the week.

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Well, I said *ideally* you would finish Epsilon before Fred Fractions because they are just so very different. Fred is a story, and is easier to follow when it is done consistantly. It also covers a lot MORE than just fractions, and doesn't really spend a lot of time on how to do the basic operations with fractions. It presents how to do it, but then moves on.


Epsilon should take much less than a year, leaving plenty of time for Fred Fractions.


That said -- my oldest did Fred a year BEFORE Epsilon. :lol: He used Singapore 1-6, adding the first 2 Fred books to levels 4 & 5 of Singapore. I am now taking my 2nd son through MUS, and my oldest is having a "gap year" from math before starting Algebra. Since MUS is so different, and because we have time, and because it provides him with yet another angle to view math from, he is going through Delta - Epsilon - Zeta - PreAlgebra at a super quick pace.


All of that to say that any way you combine them will work out fine. If you have a student who needs constant and continual review work, then it may even be beneficial to run both programs all year. My plan for my 2nd son is to do Fred Fractions in between MUS Epsilon and Zeta.

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