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Please help me find this curriculum Visual Vocabulary at Midwest Convention

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I was talking to a lady who was at the the Midwest Homeschool Convention, and she was telling me and showing me this program called Visual Vocabulary. I think it will work great for my son. I went to the conference but didn't see this vendor. The lady who designed the program is supposed to be from Fayetteville, NC. If anyone could please find me the website or contact info. I have searched with no luck. I didn't keep my conference book so I can check the vendor list. Thanks so much! Susan

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Jennifer Robinson

Greetings. I'm the author of the Visual Vocabulary curriculum you were looking for earlier in the year. I just wanted to make myself available to answer any questions you might have and apologize for your not being able to find the information you needed. Visual Vocabulary actually is a root-based program, and I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to explain to you how it works. Blessings on you and yours.

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What are the ages or grade levels best suited for this program?


How does it compare to the levels/words used in Wordly Wise?


How young is too young? :)


Thank you so much!


I really like so far what I've seen.



Greetings. I'm the author of the Visual Vocabulary curriculum you were looking for earlier in the year. I just wanted to make myself available to answer any questions you might have and apologize for your not being able to find the information you needed. Visual Vocabulary actually is a root-based program, and I'm so sorry I didn't get a chance to explain to you how it works. Blessings on you and yours.
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Guest Jennifer Robinson

Visual Vocabulary was designed to be used by the whole family together. The cards are simple enough that we've had 2 yr-olds enjoy them and use the words correctly. I overheard my 6 yr-old talking to his older brother this morning. He was saying that a football player projects the ball. A baseball player, too. At this age, he already loves language enough to explore, without my prodding, the use of words he's learned (in this case, projectile) from Visual Vocabulary. The companion volume Talking Points adds enough in the way of quantity to make it a meaty program even for middle and high schoolers. I've purposely not spent a lot of time comparing our program to others. One reason is that we truly believe that all words, regardless of their "level" should be available to all learners and that children's vocabularies are limited mainly by what we (parents and educators) don't allow them to have. I can tell you that of the 1100+ words introduced in the Volume 1's complete set (cards and Talking Points), about half are on SAT study lists. We generally recommend starting to use the daily discussions in Talking Points with third graders, but a Mom could pick and choose and use some of them with kids younger than that. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. And if you're interested, e-mail me and we can extend our conference specials to you. focuseducation.org@gmail.com

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