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Science - Fifth Grade

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I am do not like how we have progressed with Science. I am trying to do it as outlined in TWTM, but I feel like we have some real holes. So, I'm looking for a something we can use through the summer to catch us up. I just looked at the Sonlight catalog, and their fifth grade science looks like it might work. I'm looking for feedback on Sonlight Fifth Grade Science, as well as any other science recommendations.




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I haven't used it yet, but I received Sonlight Science 5 in the mail a couple of weeks ago to use with my 11yo ds. I'm really excited about it. The books are engaging, the worksheets are relevant, and the schedule is manageable. This level also addresses some issues that we NEED to discuss. I may have to jump ahead and have my 12yo join us in reading Almost 12 and The Boy's Body Book. I also went ahead and ordered the girls' book for my almost 9yo.


FWIW- I've tried a lot of science programs over the years, and I'm impressed.

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We will be doing SL 5 Science for 5th grade so I can't really tell you anything specifically about how we liked it, but we did SL Science 3 in 3rd grade and really liked it. In my opinion, SL Science would be a thorough and very easy program to implement during the summer.

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Have you looked at Real Science 4 Kids? It follows the trivium as well.


I was going to do science as WTM recommended, but I just can't get all we need and with just starting everything, I decided that we can use a curriculum for Science. The girls browsed through and are excited. I got the ebooks, $34.95 for the workbook, text and TM. For Bio or physics or chem at each level.

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