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Oh....my! Adventures in learning to read

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So my 7yo...the child who I thought would never read, nor ever really want to, is now self motivated to read. He sounds out every sign we drive past, sometimes admonishing me to "Slow down so I can read at least ONE word!"


Tonight we went to pick up dh's dry cleaning, dh ran in, I was in cars with the kids. DS starts sounding out the word Fantastic, from the "Fantastic Sam's" store. Only...he forgot the N...so he said "Fat..Fat..as...Fatas...Fatas*!" "Mom that sign says Fat A**..." Then he proceeded to start singing those two words. Dh was in the car, I started to laugh SO hard I was crying....I couldnt breathe...ds starts asking why it is so funny that he is saying Fat A**? I gasp to dh to tell him what it says, dh had no idea WHAT was going on..finally I blurt out "FANTASTIC, it says FANTASTIC!!!" Ds said "Oh....but why are you laughing?"



I just told him sometimes mommy is really weird. :tongue_smilie:

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