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Crosspost from HS board-Latin in the Christian Trivium


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We did half of LC I, but it just wasn't the right for us. I am thinking of doing just volume I of LiCT next year, then volume II the following and then move onto a book a year after that. Do you think using just vol I over one year would be too slow?

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That was the pace that we did. We will only finish Volume I in LitCT this year. I posted this elsewhere today, but I *think* the equivalent of one year of high school Latin is all of volume I and the first five chapters in Volume II. We will only complete Volume I this year. I do not think it will be too slow to only do volume I, even with your two older ones. I definitely wouldn't do any more with a 5th grader. The first few chapters went faster than the later ones have gone b/c the material gets more challenging. We do Latin solely based on time. We spend 30 minutes per day, four or five days a week on Latin. However, I did make up all the flashcards over last summer. We are in Chapter 14 (there are 15 in volume 1, 18 in volume 2) so will easily finsh up within this school year. I do think, however, that after one year, your older ones might need to go at a bit faster pace than your (then) 6th grader will.


Edit! Meant to add...LitCT is much more thorough/rigorous than LC. There is a LOT more translating to do. I really like the Christian aspect of it, too.

2nd Edit! Just wanted to address the comments re: grammar knowledge needed to do LitCT in grade 5. I suppose it does require quite a bit of English grammar to do LitCT. I wanted to let you know that my ds does R&S, but he IS one grade ahead. So for grade 5, he has done the grade 6 R&S grammar book. All the best with your decision. Not to muddy the waters but Classical Academic Press is coming out with a new program entitled Latin Alive! It might be a good match. It looks well-laid out, though I cannot tell how much translating it has. I wish it would have come out LAST fall.

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Thank you for the info. I looked at the samples of LA and I think LiCT teacher's books explaisn things better, but it's hard to tell from just a few samples. I wish I could see them both LOL. I posted on the HS thread that we might do LFC A and maybe B then either LA or LiCT. I keep going to back to LiCT though so maybe that is what I should do.

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