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Is there a not boring U.S. history book that is fundamentally accurate?

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I've always liked Zinn's A People's History..., which was previously mentioned. Obviously, this is just my opinion, but I've always felt that history texts with a conservative slant tend to leave out the unpleasant aspects of US history because they like to present a more "patriotic" pov of history, whereas someone like Zinn tries to show the good and the bad. Bias aside, Zinn's book is a very compelling read.

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I would suppose it would be intended for an audience somewhere between 5th grade and 8th grade. It is not a "high school" text in terms of "depth".


However, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the two volumes I got from the library and very muc look forward to reading more. They are smartly written and very interesting. And if this was all a citizen kew about our history I suspect they would have a greater depth of knowledge that most Americans. An adult could certainly learn a great deal from the volumes I read. And it is the kind of approach that gets one thinking about the issues our fore-parents struggled with, after getting a comprehension of the perspective of different sides.


Really marvelous!




Thanks. They sound great. My dd is interested in learning about US from different perspectives. I will have to see if our library has any.



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