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Stobaugh's Literary Analysis

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I bought and then sold unused his lit analysis program some years ago, but I don't know if it has been substantially revised since then. I found the instruction inadequate and the example essay responses of poor quality (many written by S. or his daughter, as I recall). Others have said the same on the WTM board over the years. Unless you find that it has been revised and improved, I'd look for something else. One idea: Writing About Literature, by Roberts , available in many editions. Provides both n anthology of lit (short fiction, poetry, drama), instruction to how to analyze, questions, sample essays, and commentary on the essays.

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Hi Michelle,


I'm doing well,thanks! Though I'm sure you can inmagine how frustrating it is for the multi-tasking hs'ing mom to be unable to multi-task as usual! I started physio today at home and the therapist was pleased at how much progress I've made so far given the extent of the injuries. I'm convinced the power of prayer has had everything to do with it. My goal is to be walking support free (or with minimal support, like a cane) by my birthday in June. Then we can cyber-celebrate! Thanks for asking.

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You might want to check out the new IEW website to consider a recently released book that may be what you are looking for. It's a literary analysis book by Leisha Myers...the title is something like Windows to the World.






Thanks, that is on my list, just checking all options before buying.

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