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Plan for Grade 2 - missing anything?


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Math : Complete Math Mammoth 1 and start 2.


History: Complete SOTW 1 and start 2


English: AAS 2, OPGTR, WWE 1/2, FFL 1/2, Beehive Readers for level 2, for reading out loud, and many more from the library.


Science: We are using the WTM recommendations following following along with SOTW. We will complete studying life on earth as we complete SOTW 1, then move on to Astronomy and Earth Sciences as we move to SOTW2. We will be using the Usborne Encyclopedias and a couple other books.


Art: Art classes at local center(drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media)


Dance classes weekly tap/jazz


Sports: Ringette, swimming, possibility of basketball this year.


Music: she wants to learn to play recorder, so we are looking at that possibility, but also exploring the recommendations in WTM for learning piano at home. (mom has a 5 years piano. She doesn't want to have formal lessons as her older sister does.


French: continue with learning vocabulary, reading, grammar and spelling. Still trying to find the right fit for us in terms of curriculum. (Note: mom is bilingual, so we do speak it some of the time at home, and working on doing so more often)


Am I missing anything? I think I have our basic plan nearly ready for fine tuning and setting up our schedule.

Edited by mommy4ever
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