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Wasn't sure she was ready...here is the result.


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We started outlining today. I wasn't sure if dd11 was ready, but both dd11 and dd13 each were given a couple pages of reading. DD11 read a couple pages in SOTW 1 , how the nomads became farmers. Here is her 1st attempt. I coached the first couple, the rest were independent.


I. The best place for the nomads to live is the Fertile Crescent.


II. It is called fertile because lots of food was able to grow.


III. Some of the nomads began living in the Fertile Crescent all year long.


IV. The nomads began planting their own food, they were becoming farmers.


V. The nomads began digging canals to water their crops when there was no rain.


VI. The shaduf was lowered into the canals and then swung around to water the crops.



I would think a pretty good first effort. She even used cursive writing! There were a few supporting details that could have been left out, but I didn't want to critique too much. It was a solid first effort! I tried the KF Book of the Ancient World, but the watering eyes started so I took out SOTW and let her start with that. She dug right in after the first little bit. These are her spellings and punctuations as well :) I did mention that the 'It', 'They' 'She' were generalized terms and if this was being used for writing a paper, she'd want to have more specific details.


Any other critiques I should be aware of to coach her in the future?


Today was a good day :)

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I. The best place for the nomads to live is the Fertile Crescent.


II. It is called fertile because lots of food was able to grow.


III. Some of the nomads began living in the Fertile Crescent all year long.


IV. The nomads began planting their own food, they were becoming farmers.


V. The nomads began digging canals to water their crops when there was no rain.


VI. The shaduf was lowered into the canals and then swung around to water the crops.



Today was a good day :)


This is as good as ds10 (11 in 2 weeks) who has been doing outlining all year! Good job!:001_smile:

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We started outlining today. I wasn't sure if dd11 was ready, but both dd11 and dd13 each were given a couple pages of reading. DD11 read a couple pages in SOTW 1 , how the nomads became farmers. Here is her 1st attempt. I coached the first couple, the rest were independent.


I. The best place for the nomads to live is the Fertile Crescent.


II. It is called fertile because lots of food was able to grow.


III. Some of the nomads began living in the Fertile Crescent all year long.


IV. The nomads began planting their own food, they were becoming farmers.


V. The nomads began digging canals to water their crops when there was no rain.


VI. The shaduf was lowered into the canals and then swung around to water the crops.



I would think a pretty good first effort. She even used cursive writing! There were a few supporting details that could have been left out, but I didn't want to critique too much. It was a solid first effort! I tried the KF Book of the Ancient World, but the watering eyes started so I took out SOTW and let her start with that. She dug right in after the first little bit. These are her spellings and punctuations as well :) I did mention that the 'It', 'They' 'She' were generalized terms and if this was being used for writing a paper, she'd want to have more specific details.


Any other critiques I should be aware of to coach her in the future?


Today was a good day :)


Good job to her on spelling and punctuation! And SOTW is much easier to use than KF. :)


Are you trying to teach her to find one main idea per paragraph? If so, it looks like six ideas came from four paragraphs in SOTW. If "one main idea per paragraph" is your goal, the new WTM has a great explanation now for teaching outlining. For finding the main idea, you ask: what thing/person/idea is this paragraph about? What is that thing/person/idea important in *this* paragraph? Take both answers and put them into a sentence. I started using this with ds last summer, and the previous year's struggle with main level outlining faded away....

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Actually, it was 6 paragraphs. IMO, 2 could have been 1, but we literally started a paragraph at each indent.


Do you have a revised version of SOTW 1? If so, I wonder if the paragraphs are divided up differently than in mine. When I looked in SOTW 1 (2001 ed., p. 24-25, to which I thought you were referring), I saw the info. of outline points I and II in the first paragraph in SOTW, info. of point III in the second paragraph, info. of points IV and V in the third paragraph, and info. of point VI in the fourth paragraph. That's why I asked if you were trying to do "main idea per paragraph."

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That's good for a start. Really. By the end of the year they'll be pros. My Dd 15 outlines EVERYTHING now. Even Romeo and Juliet. BUT, her start was choppy. Same with Ds 11. One year into it and it's like handwriting.


eta: I taught mine how Colleen taught outlining. Easy peasy.

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It must be as this is on page 11-13 in the 2nd edition. That would be maybe why.


Yep that explains my confusion! I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what six paragraphs that all came from, lol! Until I remembered there was another edition out there. Well, since I don't have that edition, then my above comments are null. :D Well, except the part about WTM having great new outlining instructions. THAT was very helpful to me.

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