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Considering Singapore - have ??s

Guest ToGMom

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Guest ToGMom

I am considering switching from MUS to Singapore with my youngest child. He is 11 and about to finish up MUS Delta. (which covers division) I think he's pretty "mathy" and catches on quickly to most "new" material. (he gives his older sisters advice on their math -- Pre-Algebra and Geometry and he's usually right. ;) )


So, I'd like to challenge him and am considering Singapore...I especially like the Challenging Word Problems, which is something I feel is "lacking" in MUS.


I have been perusing the Singapore website and I have a couple of questions:


-US Edition OR Standards Edition?? (what are the major differences?)


-What to buy? (Home Instructor's Guide OR Teacher's Guide?? Intensive Practice?? Brain Maths??)


My head is "swimming"...I'm SO confused. Can you help me??

Thanks in advance...

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I'd suggest using their placement tests to be sure you're starting at the best level.


I chose to use the Standards Edition rather than the US edition. The standards edition has some more material and is in a different order (slightly) than the US edition. Their FAQs may help with clear explanation of the differences (they have the scope & sequence further down the page).


I like having the Home Instructor Guide. It has workbook and textbook answers (makes some days easier). It also has some extra practice problems in the back and gives some ideas for presenting the material. The Teacher's Guide is used more for classes and if you get the HiG, you definitely don't need the teacher's guide.


You definitely need the textbook and workbook for the level. I use Intensive Practice for the books as well (although they're only available for the US edition, so we match up as best as we can).


I like the iExcel books for teaching the model approach and they have some extra word problems, but that's likely overkill with everything else we're doing :)


The Brain Maths books are just two books that have challenging math problems. I haven't used them yet and I don't know that we will. I'd recommend not getting them yet unless your kids like those challenge problems a lot (check the samples to see what they're like).


So summary: Use practice tests to place in correct level. I'd go with Standards edition, but that's personal preference. You need the text and workbook. I like the Home Instructor's Guide, Challenging Word Problems (although I'm using the old versions), Intensive Practice. If you want to go overboard, iExcel. Brain Maths is something you can wait on unless it looks like your son will enjoy the problems.

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Guest ToGMom

Dana and Bill,


Once I have books in-hand, will it be easy for me to correlate the topics with the IPs?? (Or do either of you have a "handy dandy" chart already made??)



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Dana and Bill,


Once I have books in-hand, will it be easy for me to correlate the topics with the IPs?? (Or do either of you have a "handy dandy" chart already made??)




It will be VERY easy to match up with the IP books.

Generally it's easiest to do the topic in the text, then once it's done (or mostly done), go to the IP books for more review and more challenging problems.


One other benefit to the Standards edition is that they have cumulative reviews at the end of each chapter. I think that helps with extra practice.

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The Brain Maths books are just two books that have challenging math problems. I haven't used them yet and I don't know that we will. I'd recommend not getting them yet unless your kids like those challenge problems a lot (check the samples to see what they're like).
There are a few errors in the first book, and some major errors in in the second, including a diagram that is incorrectly drawn. These are puzzles, and not part of the regular curriculum.
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