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I just love AAS!


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Last night my 9 y/o ds was sitting doing some school work in a chair next to me as I was working on another project. We were just talking on and off about whatever...


He then started asking me what his "work with Mom" work would be the following day (today). So we started going through "the usual" list. We got to spelling and I told him he'd finish Level 4 this week and we'll move onto Level 5. His comment was...


"Mom, we don't really do spelling for very long each day, but over the days it really adds up, doesn't it!" I hated spelling in PS (he went to K and 1st grade PS), but it's really fun now. I hardly know I'm doing it!"


He's so right! We spend only about 15 min. a day on spelling 3-4 days a week. Now, he's a pretty natural speller, so I'm sure he'd do fine with most anything, however the idea that he almost feels like he doesn't do it... yet I see so much improvement in his day to day spelling is amazing to me. If I compare his writing from just 9 mos. ago the difference is amazing!


Anyway, just want to share that little bit of :D. Even if you have a "natural speller" AAS is still a great program! The neat part is, he will finish spelling this next year, then we can confidently move onto vocabulary study knowing he has a great spelling base to fall back on... what more could a mom want in spelling? :D:D

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:iagree: We also spend about 15 minutes per day. Many weeks it's just Monday thru Thursday.


I think dd would have done OK with other programs, but I love the

*O-G basis for the Spelling

*learning the rules that go with it

*easy to follow script

*access to author if needed

*results of adapting rules to other words

*that Marie called each book "Level"


I have all levels now - they are ready to go. :auto:

Edited by m4given
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I love it too! DS (K) is doing great and he doesn't even seem to know how much he is learning and retaining! I also love that the materials are so well designed. I was interested in other, more expensive programs, but the materials just looked cheap compared to these. AAS is SO. WELL. MADE.

We will be using this for the long haul!

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I have used this with my DS1 who needs to make up for lost time. I find it hard to imagine using with my great speller and his little sisterbecause I can't imagine dealing with MORE little pieces!


We just have one set of everything. The only one I use the cards with is my 6 y/o. I adapt it for my good/older spellers. We do very little review because it's not needed and we zoom through the easier lessons. I have started adding in more dictation (even though we do WWE for dictation) because I LOVE seeing them spell everything correctly! :D (And they love being able to!)

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