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Dd12's Saxon placement vs. her MUS level

Night Elf

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Can someone compare MUS pre-Algebra with Saxon Algebra 1/2?


She wanted to do the whole placement test today, and she did it in sessions. She placed into Algebra 1/2. Is that Saxon's pre-Algebra course? Didn't I read somewhere that Saxon 8/7 and their Algebra 1/2 were pretty much the same thing?


We were originally thinking of moving her into MUS Algebra after pre-Algebra, and then repeating Algebra with Keystone since we use that for high school. But based on the difficulties she's having with her pre-Algebra, I can't imagine moving her into any Algebra course.


Do I put her in Algebra 1/2? At this point, I am kind of thinking of letting her go through the rest of her MUS course just to show her she knows some of that material and then move her into Saxon to repeat pre-Algebra, unless someone can suggest a better plan? :)

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