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Easy program to learn latin

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I have up coming 7th,8th graders, and a 4.5 yr old. I have no knowledge of latin but would like to introduce this to the family and continue over the years. Can any one suggest a program that is not labor intensive and teacher friendly for us to use. It would be helpful if they can do most of it themselves or as a group. We already use rosetta stone for spanish. Thanks.

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When I started Latin my kids were younger than yours. We did Prima Latina and then Latina Christiana I and II. We are now in First Form Latin. Prima Latina is beneath your kids' ages. You can look at Latina Christiana I or FFL. I personally think FFL is a better program, but LCI might be easier if you are truly beginners and want a little more hand holding. They are not expensive. Maybe you could buy one of each and compare. If you go with LCI and continue on, you'll probably wind up in FFL eventually.

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We love Getting Started With Latin - requires no prior knowledge of Latin and can be completely self-directed by your middle school students. http://www.gettingstartedwithlatin.com/faq.php It's heavy on grammar, with just enough vocabulary to teach the grammar. Heavy on translation. But easy and gentle for getting started - preview the book. I'm doing this now with my 7 and 9 y.o.'s. When we're done, we're planning to move on to Henle I, and when we do I think we'll have a pretty good head start, so to speak.


For middle school age, I'd probably just do Henle I except that you have no knowledge of Latin (I really don't know whether Henle is teachable with no knowledge of Latin - perhaps it is). I'd take a look at First Form Latin http://www.memoriapress.com/descriptions/first-latin.html and Latin Prep http://www.galorepark.co.uk/product/parents/127/latin-prep-book-1.html (I think there are cheaper places to buy this program).


As for your 4.5 y.o., I might wait until he's reading rather well before beginning Latin, whenever that might be (K or 1 or 2).

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