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Lit/Spelling/Writing along with MCT LA?


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We are going to give MCT a try! I was just wondering what lit. you use along with it? My oldest ds will be 10 in August and my dd will be 8 in October. Neither of them have done any literature studies (and I'm guessing I won't for another year or two for dd...just really thinking about options for ds right now.)


Also what spelling do you use? I am pretty sure my ds will continue with Spelling Wisdom and also add in Megawords. I'm not sure what to use with dd after she completes ETC though.


Do you add another seperate writing or is the writing in the first two levels sufficient? I think ds will go ahead and finish Writing Tales and Wordsmith Apprentice in the fall, but I'm trying to think ahead a bit. I think I will have dd go ahead with WWE 2.


I'd appreciate any suggestions. Thanks. :001_smile:

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My trio is the same age as yours, approximately (my boy will be 10 a month earlier than yours and my girl 8 a month later, and our bonus is 4 years 1 day younger than her sister) and we didn't use any other writing program (although we do the Memoria Press copy books) and use CLP spelling. For Lit we do WTM Lite ;) staying close to our history cycle with some other stuff (Narnia, Little House on the Prairie) thrown in :) We're still on Island and will be through part of next year (my older 2 do it together, but DD is quite advanced and is sticking right with her brother on everything). HTH :)

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If you read MCT's book about literature, he suggests just reading a certain number of books during the school year (16 or so). You can pick some (8), but let your student choose some also (another 8). We use the literature lists from The Well-Trained Mind, so it probably ends up being more than that. My oldest will be in 5th this fall and I'm going to write up discussion questions for each book.


ETA: Here's his language arts schedule/guide:



Edited by Veritaserum
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