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Writing Strands


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Which level would you use for an 8th grader who is a natural writer but doesn't "love" to do it and does just enough to get by on writing assignments?


Also, 5th and 3rd grade boys who have very little experience in this area. Getting them to journal a few sentences is like pulling teeth. I dare say the 3rd grader writes more easily than the 5th.


Thank you!


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We used Level 4 this year with my 8th grader, Level 3 for the 5th grader and will begin Level 2 with the 3rd grader next fall. Both my 8th and 5th grader were able to work through the first book and start on the next level in this "school" year.


With Writing Strands most of the work toward improved writing and mastery of skill comes from the student self-evaluation and from you as the evaluator. Evaluating Writing is a necessary book for this program, IMO.

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