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Do 2nd babies come faster than the first?

Did your second baby come:  

  1. 1. Did your second baby come:

    • Earlier than your first?
    • The same as your first?
    • Later than your first?
    • Other? (er... just in case there's a story needing telling...)

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Dd15 was born at 37 weeks on the day. It was a shock because I was told 1st babies are always late! She was fine. The labor was long- waters broke on the Saturdaynight, labour started Sunday night, she was born Tuesday morning.


Dd14- expected him early, and he came 12 days before due date. Birth was a total of 90 minutes.


I seem to cook 'em faster than average.


Oops, congratulations! Glad it went well!

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Ds5 was born at 37.5 weeks when my water broke - labor was 20 hrs resulting in c/s due to his big head being very stuck


Dd4 was born at 29 weeks and labor was hard to judge - about 45 mins from the time they decided to stop trying to stop it, lol. I had been having contractions all day and unlike prior days they just weren't stopping this time.

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