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Coconut Ghee instead of butter.......

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:party:This arrived a little while ago. The kids are spreading it on multi-grain bread and LOVING it! Now, if I can get dh to convert (he is a fiend about freshly baked bread and butter) I think it will be much healthier for him.


I tasted a crumb of this as I am doing Medifast and don't want to cheat........this stuff tastes really good!


I bought it from www.greenpasture.org


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I was interested in this thread name - I went to that link and read about coconut ghee. Sounds like coconut oil and ghee mixed together - I'd probably say your hubby is just fine with the butter on his bread. Coconut oil is delicious and has some good qualities I think it is very hard on the heart/vessels. Adding ghee to it probably gives it a good flavor, but it is still a "butter". Maybe the coco oil just helps to make it spread.


Very interesting - I'm gonna read more about the mixture. What was your reasoning behind switching from butter? Always up to researching new things. Thanks.

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I was interested in this thread name - I went to that link and read about coconut ghee. Sounds like coconut oil and ghee mixed together - I'd probably say your hubby is just fine with the butter on his bread. Coconut oil is delicious and has some good qualities I think it is very hard on the heart/vessels. Adding ghee to it probably gives it a good flavor, but it is still a "butter". Maybe the coco oil just helps to make it spread.


Very interesting - I'm gonna read more about the mixture. What was your reasoning behind switching from butter? Always up to researching new things. Thanks.


Interesting -- I did think originally that coconut oil was harder on the heart and vessels -- I have to find what I read that made me think otherwise -- OR, discover that I am mistaken, and I should let him have his bread buttered! Thanks for bringing this up!

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