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Another Transcript Question

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How do you place classes that a child took at public HS? My son has taken Advanced Art & woodworking at local high school - do I include the grades from this school on my transcript or just have a separate one? How do I calculate GPA then?:001_huh:


Thanks in advance!


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I included all the classes ds1 took at home, online and dual enrolled together on one transcript. I had a column that indicated where the class was taken. Ds ended up having two virtual schools, another online tutorial, home classes and 3 local colleges/universities. "Official" transcripts from our state virtual school and local colleges were ordered and sent directly to schools. I usually received a copy.


Forgot to add: I included the grade awarded by the outside institution into one GPA (or two actually: weighted and unweighted). I noted the grading scale we used in courses taken at home.




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In addition to taking classes at home, my daughter also took classes at a homeschooling resource center, at the local community college, and on line using PA Homeschoolers. I used a different typeface on her transcript to indicate each location -- I used italics, normal, and bold. I averaged in all outside course grades into one GPA.


She also submitted her community college transcript to all the colleges to which she applied.


I'd be happy to email you a copy of her transcript if you send me a personal message with your email address.




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