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Who has used CW and WT? Would you compare please


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Are you sure you were looking at the right level of WT? WT1 is for 3rd-4th graders and has younger formatting, lingo (red=stop, etc.). WT2 has none of that and is right on for your ds, whom I assume is a rising 5th grader. The models are very challenging and the content excellent.


I've used CW Aesop A, WT1 and WT2 and definitely prefer WT. It's more fun overall, with games, interesting models, suggestions for creative touches (that all the kids seem to enjoy), etc. After WT2 you'd either go into CW Homer or use WT3 if it's out by that point.

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I've tried to look at samples, and other than to notice that my son would detest the clip art used in Writing Tales, I have not been able to process much.


So which do you prefer and why?


I have WT 1 and 2 and CW Aesop, Homer and Older Beginners Aesop and Homer. I started out with Aesop and had a very hard time implementing it, even with the workbooks. I found WT and have been using it very successfully with my girls. WT is pick up and go. I love the ease of it. However, I do find that the models tend to be longer in WT than CW.


Now that I've used WT, I understand a lot more about CW. Reading the Homer Core book was also a very huge part of the process in understanding all that CW is about, for me. This leads me to believe that I would have an easier time implementing Aesop, were I to choose to use it again.


However, I like WT. It's a very gentle approach to writing and grammar. I like the story choices and find the games to be fun for my kids. My children also seem to enjoy it. If there were more books, I would have them on my shelves as well. Since there are not, I am going to be doing Older Beginners with my 12 yo after she finishes WT2.

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Thank you both for responding.


OhElizabeth, If I were to tell you that my son is dyslexic (mildly), just finishing 4th grade, and that we have never really done much writing beyond freewriting, dictation and copywork, would you still recommend WT2? We did a bit of grammar when he was in 1st (FLL), before we realized that we had to focus on phonic and reading. I guess I've been telling myself that he's basically a 3rd grader as far as his language skills are concerned, and I would hate to overwhelm him.


Susie, What about CW is easier to understand after using WT? Probably a question that would take a few conversations to answer, I know, but if you have a ready answer, I would love to know.


Sounds like I would love the ease of implementation with WT, which is a big deal. However, I tend to avoid stuff that is "sweet" at all because my son hates to think that I am using "baby stuff" with him (even if he needs it!). I think my brain is clear enough after a good sleep that I will really thoroughly look at both online - I love Lulu's preview ability.


Thanks again!

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Kirsten, I'd encourage you to email Amy Olsen (you can get the link from the website, I assume) and see what she suggests. I think the writing you've been doing with Bravewriter is roughly equivalent to WT1, which basically focuses on them getting their thoughts and paper and being CORRECT (punctuation, etc.). In WT2 we review grammar first semester, some of which did get overwhelming for a few grammar strugglers. But you know, if you perservere through that, help them through it, then when they come to the other side in 2nd semester, it gets really cool as you APPLY that grammar! And yes, we play games and do all kinds of fun things.


I think in general he'll probably be fine in WT2. Now you may finish that and decide he's not Homer-bound, that maybe he'd do better to go on to something like IEW. But I think he'll probably be fine with WT2. He'll appreciate the maturity of the instructions and how they're written to him. I think it will be a better fit than WT1, even if you have to help him along.

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Thanks again! I think I will contact Amy if I have any questions after perusing her online info. DS actually did quite well with grammar in FLL - it being more rules based than much of the rest of our language. It might be a big jump-in to be doing so much more LA, but I think he's really showing signs that he's ready.

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Thank you both for responding.



Susie, What about CW is easier to understand after using WT? Probably a question that would take a few conversations to answer, I know, but if you have a ready answer, I would love to know.


Sounds like I would love the ease of implementation with WT, which is a big deal.


I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond. I honestly couldn't even think yesterday. I think that the baby is taking all of my DHA.


When I used CW, I got very bogged down with the books. There is a Core book, student workbook and instructor's manual. I generally had to have all three open in order to teach. By the time I was ready to chuck it, there were times when I didn't have to have all three open ALL the time. I always found it cumbersome. My issues with the actual implementation of the program gave me some sort of weird mental block with the whole program. While I loved the idea of the progymnasmata, I was never able to fully comprehend it.


In walks WT. I didn't have to think about which book was open and when. I could open up the book and teach. I didn't have to read the Core book, nor understand the process in order to teach. However, something in that Aesop Core book must have sunk in because I started to understand just what I was doing in WT, according to the principles Aesop. LOL I could see the point of the WT assignment and it made sense.


Then, I read the Homer Core. Wow. Finally, more and more pieces started to fit together. I've since read parts of the Homer Core and it just makes so much sense. I can see where WT is going. And, I can better see how to implement both CW Aesop and Homer. If I want to get all melodramatic, I could say that a veil was lifted. ;)


I'm not nearly as afraid of Homer as I once was. I think that I can do it, and I want to. I also love the ease of using WT. If there were more levels of WT out, I'd have a very difficult time making a choice.


Does that help to answer your question? I hope so.

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Thanks so much. I've gone through 2 pregnancies while HSing, and it really just drains me of all ability to think creatively (besides being just so.. :sleep: ..exhausting).


Your critique makes sense. You and OhElizabeth have convinced me. It sounds like there's a large learning curve with CW, and I've got plenty of other things to do. Admittedly, it's my instinct to get CW and spend all summer Planning and Researching, but I know that (for me) this is a huge set up. I love to immerse myself in the planning stage, and when things don't work just how I expect them to everything falls apart. I need to get my ds writing soon, therefore I need something that I can just open and use.


Thanks again, and I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly!

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