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Compare Elemental Science and Sonlight


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I've only used SL Science 4. . . and now recently started Elem Sci - Biol. So, I can't do a direct comparison of similar grade levels. . .


But, FWIW. . .


I liked SL Science 4 and plan to use it again with my youngest when she's ready. It jumps around a bit but that's OK with me in general, especially at the older ages. . .


I am very pleased with Elem Sci Biol so far.


Both are well scheduled and clear.


I think there is more hands-on stuff (and lots of "do more" ideas if you want to do more) in Elem Sci. It also follows the WTM ideal of staying on a topic long enough to dig in (and does the 4 year rotation per WTM.) I like that and think it will lend itself well to following some rabbit trails. Book selections are great so far as I can tell so far.


So, for early elem, I made my choice for Elem. Sci. instead of SL. . . I considered SL, but frankly my need to edit out sooo many creationist/ID resources from SL in some of the levels (not really an issue in SL 4) made me start the search for alternatives. So far, I am very pleased with Elem Sci and I think it's going to be a great fit for dd7.

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