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The last piece of curriculum I need to buy for DS is science. We used Sonlight Science 2 this year, and I generally liked it, but was wondering if there are any other options out there that have more of what we like.


We liked that it was based on many books, and the books were in color. I liked the schedule.


We would like a book-based science curriculum that is complete (I don't have time to piece anything together), but is there one out there with more experiments during each week? (We have gone MANY weeks without one experiment because we were covering birds. A lot of birds.) I like the inclusion of the scientific method in Real Science Odyssey, but it doesn't seem to based on books, it's not in color, and it just doesn't seem as complete.


I generally like the idea of Sonlight, and will order it again if I can't find anything better. Any suggestions before I bite the bullet?

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