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Would it be prudent to start Apol. Flying Creatures now...

Sue G in PA

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and do this through the summer? My kids are extremely interested in birds right now. They love to just go outside w/ the binoculars and bird watch. We haven't been doing ANY formal science recently due to my mind being on having this baby. We barely get through core subjects before I'm pooped. In the fall, we'll be starting MFW ECC which includes a study of the different habitats for science. We obviously wouldn't get through Apol. Flying Creatures before then. If I ordered Apol. now, my plan would be to start mid-April...after a break when baby comes (IF baby EVER decides to come :glare:). We'd do 2-3 days each week and hopefully get halfway to 3/4 way through by end of summer (we are beginning to school all year...just lighter in summer). So, what do you think? Sound crazy? My other option is to just do the bird/insect/flying creature part of CKE Biology and God's Design for Animals (both provide a very basic overview of birds/insects/flying creatures). I do eventually want to do Apol. Flying Creatures in depth, so don't want to both, KWIM? Okay, thanks for letting me try to sort this out and I anxiously await your suggestions! :)

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This is the perfect time to do the bird section. It is only 1/2 the book, so you could JUST do the bird section. That would certainly be doable. You could save the insects , bats and other sections for another time. We have barn swallows that return every year to our back porch as well as cardinals that nest around the house. We enjoyed that!!!


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