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Sequential Spelling : DVD questions


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Ok ... first off let me just say that this isn't for me.

My sister has a dd who is having some problems with spelling.

She is using nearly all CLE, and the child is in the 300s, however she is 11yrs old.

No real learning issues, just a delayed start and shes doing well in all other areas.


I've been researching spelling (sis has no net access at her home) and based on what I know suggested to my sister she look into Seq. Spelling. When my sister was here yesterday she had her dd do the first 5 word list of the placement test. She missed 3 out of those 5 putting her as going into level 1 lesson 1.


While looking at the site my sister noticed that they now have a DVD version out for levels 1&2 with more coming soon. After watching the sample lessons they have up, and reading the sample from level 1 they have in pdf on the site she had decided that the program might well help her dd.


Has anyone here used the DVDs?


If so are they really as easy for the student to use on their own as they look?



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we are doing SS and i can't see why on earth someone would need dvds to do this...we have 25 words a day done in 10 mins time and for the first time ever my ds actually likes spelling. it's so simple, and beginning in level one is not that bad a thing. it builds on itself very quickly, so no child would be left thinking "why am i doing this baby program?"


don't spend money unless you can't think of sentences to go along with spelling words.

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We began Sequential Spelling recently and it has worked well for my 10-year-old. When I researched it, I was immediately drawn to the DVD as well. I didn't purchase the DVD, but really thought about it. However, on the AVKO website, you can purchase a membership for $25. I did purchase this. It has several downloads and you get discounts on their books when purchased directly from them. Sometimes I just can't think of a sentence to put the word into, so there is a download with sentences for all of the word families. I printed off a few of the pages that I knew we would get to this year. It has helped me. Yes, many people said I only needed the book, not the DVD or any other helps. However, sometimes we all need a little something. So, if she thinks the DVD might be beneficial, she should give it a try. If I remember correctly, it needs a computer to work correctly, not the TV DVD player.


Hope she enjoys this program. It has sure made a difference in my daughter's life.



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Guest deanna9999

We are using the DVD for SS 1. For me it's a question of how much I want to spend on a spelling program. The DVD was expensive IMO and it's nothing that I couldn't do myself. We use it on our DVD player with TV but you can also use it with computer and headphones if needed. There is a lot of remote-control with pausing after each word and then playing after the word is written. It is made for self-study but my son does better when I'm sitting right there with him and I'm controlling the remote. .... So I say "Why am I not just reading the words myself?" He does benefit from seeing the word correctly spelled on the screen after he has written it on his paper. This could also be done on a whiteboard by me. I will not buy the DVD again until I am sure that the child could work independently. Mine son is 6 and has ants in his pants.


HOWEVER, I love the SS program. Very good and his spelling has improved greatly since using it.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks to everyone who has posted so far ... Sis does have 4 children, youngest being just one and very busy, so anything independent is more likely to get done then even a 10 min session with Mom would. Her dd being 11 the issues mentioned by the prior poster with her 6 yr old would not apply.

Sis has a computer, actually does not have a TV, but no internet. This is why she was looking at the DVD.


She will be over later today, so I will show her this thread ... thanks again for the replies :D

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