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On-line Latin Course or other Latin Courses

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I am asking on this board because you all seem to have incredible answers when it comes to curriculum.


My son is currently in 7th grade at public school. I want him to learn Latin, and I want to learn along with him. Our PS system offers a Latin course through their own on-line learning, and I am looking into that for him. However, I would love to have some other options. Since his school is very protective of academic time, he does not have a lot of busywork homework, he has time to pursue Latin outside of school.


What are some of the Latin curricula you have used? Why did you like or not like your choice?


Thank you for your help.

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We are using Artes Latinae. They are having a big sale this month; believe it's through the end of March. Their site (just google Artes Latinae) has lots of information. I think it has a demo of the program, too.


I don't have a background in Latin and I have found the progam easy to use. I'm surprised at how much we learn and how fast we learn it.

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