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MFW 1850 to Modern vs. just using SOTW 4 and Activity Book


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In the past I have used SOTW with the activity pages and books on Sonlight's lists available at my library. This year my oldest is going into 5th grade and I feel I need to step up my game. I saw that the activity guide pages for SOTW 4 are geared for an older crowd, but you could buy the coloring pages at Peace Hill Press (I have one going into 3rd grade too).


My Father's World seems to have more biblical history (we would not use the science). Also some additional student pages (what are on these?). It seems all mapped out as well.


Another issue I have is I need less teacher led activities as I will have a kindergartner, preschooler, and toddler who will demand Mommy time too.


So if you could tell me your thoughts on using just SOTW4 and guide (and using books suggested by the guide) vs MFW 1850 to Modern (with the 2nd and 3rd grade supplement too),


I hope I did not ramble too much.... :001_smile::001_smile:


Thanks in advance!!



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I have my kids do anything for school that they can do independently in the morning when my littles are awake. This is math, grammar, science, handwriting, progeny press and just anything they can do on thier own (97% of the time anyway). We can get thier "school" (they are 2 and 4) done in this time and just be together doing what littles do. In the afternoon when littles are napping we do MFW history, read alouds projects and writing. That being said, I would go with the MFW because it offers so much more than just a history book. It is a pretty good system for us.


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I was just thinking about this today. I am so glad that we use MFW because if I have time I can add more things but on days that I don't have time everything is scheduled for me and I can open and go. I have read alouds, more history books that are great additions to SOTW and even cooking, art and music that match the time we are learning about. That's not even to talk about the Bible that matches so well to what we are learning in history. You could go with SOTW with the student pages but I think it would take a lot more work to get the level of academics that MFW has open and go. This way I have time to focus on adding more TWTM suggestions in math, LA and language.


Oh and getting the regular stuff done like laundry.:glare:

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