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Photographers - want to help me buy a tripod?

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My favorite brand of Tripod is Bogan (quality for price). It is worth it to invest in a good one since you are relying on it to keep (potentially thousands of dollars worth of) camera equipment from crashing to the ground.

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Oh, yes. My camera not getting dumped to the ground is very important to me. :001_smile: It does seem surprisingly difficult to find one without too many negative reviews of the alarming "my camera fell off" variety.


I have a Nikon D40 DSLR (pretty lightweight) with the kit lens--and probably won't be getting any bigger or heavier ones anytime soon. I'm not opposed to buying another tripod in the future if I need something more heavy duty. I'm just looking for something to start with.


This first one needs to be pretty lightweight and suitable for traipsing through the woods and/or traveling.


This one looks good, but it weighs 10 lbs!

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I'm a SLIK fan. They are very lightweight (aluminum), have easy to use clips (that are either clipped or not - very easy to tell), and STURDY. They have various models.







I have two or three of those that are contenders now. I am going to see if I can see one of these in person. Might mean a bit of driving--I truly live in the boonies.


I really want to keep it under 4 lbs. but it may need to support a telephoto lens someday.


k2bdeutmeyer, I do get some great shots hand holding the camera, but would love a tripod so I can play around with longer exposure times (especially if we go to visit Tahquamenon Falls this year). I just can't seem to hold still. :D

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I'm not offering this idea with personal experience, but my dad LOVES his gorillapod tripod. There are various brands of them, I think--he bought a really expensive one off the internet, but I saw a cheaper one at Walmart a few months back. Basically, the three parts of the pod are flexible and you can twist them to keep your camera in various locations. My dad twists his to hook on the curtain rod so he can video a family meal, holds it in his hands and twists it around to get a shot from a strange angle, etc.

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