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Friend has 4 year old boy that constantly is grabbing himself.....

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Oh heavens. I was sitting on the couch with Tazzie the other evening, and noticed he was messing with his underwear.


Me: What are you doing?

T: Rubbing my penis (completely nonchalant)

Me *choking* Please don't do that on the couch beside me.

T: Its my penis. I can rub it if I want. It tickles.

Me: If you want to do that, you need to go to your room and have some privacy.

T: But its my body! I should be allowed to touch my body!

Me: *heavy sigh* And you can. In your room. Not beside Mommy on the couch. Its rude.

T: *heavy sigh* Fine. (took his hands out of his pants.)


Honestly, some days the only things I say to that child seem to be, "Get your fingers out of your nose!" and "Get your hands out of your pants!"


Fwiw, Tazzie is circ'd.


I am sorry, but I just had to laugh. :lol::lol: This sounds so much like a conversation that I had with my 6 yr old when he was 4.


OP, another vote for normal boy nervous behavior. It could be a tight undie or pants issue too. We have had that issue, but it was very different, more of an 'adjusting' type motion for that.

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Both my boys are uncirc'ed and only fiddle with themselves if they need to pee or actually readjust. If the little boy is actually itching then I might wonder about a rash or yeast but if he is just fiddling then it is totally normal. My boys each went through a short phase of hands down the pants.

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