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Learning diabilities... is there a way to test?


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how do you know exactly what learning disabilities your child may have?


my dd is 9.5 and dxed adhd. we currently see a pschy. every 3 months for a med to help her stay calm.. but ive been wondering this year since its been a bad one for her with school and she behind, not retaining and not reading anywhere near where she should be... if there is actually specific issues that i should work through. ive always suspected somthing, just not sure if i cared to give it a name lol! but now im wondering if i should.


any ideas? thanks ladies!:lurk5:

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I had a complete battery of tests done through the Children's Diagnostic and Treatment Center here in Ft. Lauderdale. I don't know if they are in all of the states, but basically a pediatric psychologist, an occupational therapist, a physical therapist and a speech therapist all spent about an our each with my son and after all of that they came in and told us their findings and recommendations. They advised us to take him to a pediatric neurologist and it was the neurologist who gave him an official diagnosis. If anything I would talk to your dd's pediatrician or psychologist to see about how you can get your dd evaluated. I believe the school board also does testing but I don't know if your dd has to be enrolled or not to receive that. Sorry I'm not of more help. I wish you well. :)

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funny u posted lol! were in palm beach county and dd's pschy is in boca ;)


Wow!! lol Sounds like it's providence then. :) Here is a link to the CDTC http://www.childrensdiagnostic.org/ I think they might have an age cut off if IIRC and then you had to go through Child Find http://www.childfindidea.org/. You might need a referral for them from the pediatrician or psychologist though.:) Good luck. :)

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