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Educational Goals/Life Lessons

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I posted today about Educational Goals for the Whole Child over at Simple Homeschool , but I thought the topic would be fun to discuss here as well.


A while back, I started thinking about what I really wanted my kids to learn in the course of their education at home.... What kind of person do I hope they become? What lessons will help them live a vivid, full life? I came up with this list:


Trust God.

Be curious. About everything.

Read. Read. Read.

Help the underdog.

Entertain thoughts.

Set goals.

Observe nature.

Have compassion.

Discuss ideas.

Do hard things.

Create: Build. Paint. Plant. Draw. Sing. Bake. Play an instrument.

Care for your body.

Follow through.

Appreciate beauty.

Ask questions.

Take responsibility.

Eat good food.

Play hard.

Plant a garden.

Try new things.

Share with others.

Manage your personal finances. Well.

Solve problems.

Plan for the future.

Keep house. Well.

Prepare for emergencies.

Nurture relationships.


Give of yourself.

Value truth.

Keep your word.

Smell the flowers.

Pick up after yourself.

Use time wisely.

Encourage others.

Laugh. A lot.

Brave storms.

Cultivate a spirit of gratitude.

Find passion for life.


Anyone want to join me in making a list? What would you add?

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Heidi, what a beautiful article. Thank you for sharing.


Life took some unexpected turns in the past few years, so I've scaled back on my expectations for my children. First, I want them to be happy (my thoughts on this are in flux due to Srikumar Rao's talk I viewed recently). I don't have control over the outcome, but I can enjoy the journey. I hope they will learn that too.


After happiness, I see confidence in communication skills (3r's) as the most important academic category.

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Heidi, what a beautiful article. Thank you for sharing.


Life took some unexpected turns in the past few years, so I've scaled back on my expectations for my children. First, I want them to be happy (my thoughts on this are in flux due to Srikumar Rao's talk I viewed recently). I don't have control over the outcome, but I can enjoy the journey. I hope they will learn that too.


After happiness, I see confidence in communication skills (3r's) as the most important academic category.


Communicate clearly and confidently. and Enjoy the journey. :001_smile: I like it.

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I posted my statement of intent for education my children next year back when I was spradlin02. It got all of one response. It's gone through a slight revision since posting, but essentially the same.


Now I'm in the process of defining how to achieve each. I realize quickly in this process that the process of curriculum can quickly envelop any other intentions.

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