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For those who use JAG and then AG.....


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is it too much repetition to do both? I am having trouble reconciling myself to paying for JAG (which I understand is basically the first part of AG but slowed down) if I plan to do AG!


This would be for next yr for 5th grade dd. I have a full set used R+S 5 here which looks good but JAG looks more short and to the point but still effective. I would be using AG starting in 6th grade.

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is it too much repetition to do both? I am having trouble reconciling myself to paying for JAG (which I understand is basically the first part of AG but slowed down) if I plan to do AG!


This would be for next yr for 5th grade dd. I have a full set used R+S 5 here which looks good but JAG looks more short and to the point but still effective. I would be using AG starting in 6th grade.


Nope, not here. In AG the sentences are on a much higher level, and verbals are covered/included. It wasn't difficult for my dd to do AG season 1 after JAG, but it was good for her to see the higher level of work. I think it cemented what she learned in JAG.


But I like to keep things on the easy side. All of us here prefer to feel on top of things rather than behind the 8 ball. JAG was a nice gentle into. I think jumping into AG would have been doable, but a lot more frustrating.




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Nope, not here. In AG the sentences are on a much higher level, and verbals are covered/included. It wasn't difficult for my dd to do AG season 1 after JAG, but it was good for her to see the higher level of work. I think it cemented what she learned in JAG.


But I like to keep things on the easy side. All of us here prefer to feel on top of things rather than behind the 8 ball. JAG was a nice gentle into. I think jumping into AG would have been doable, but a lot more frustrating.






:iagree: I am going to start both my 11 & 12 yr. olds using JAG first then move onto AG. ( can't believe I'm going to have an 11 & 12 year old dc:eek:)


I don't want my dc to become frustrated. Hopefully we'll move through JAG quickly through the summer and it will help them to ease into AG. By quickly I don't mean rushing through it but in the time frame of summer.


My son who will be 12 when we use JAG really needs lots of repetition so I think JAG will work for him in that regards. He also struggles in other areas, so like Heather, I want him to feel like he is on top of things and not behind.

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