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MIch elle, a question about CLE LA

Magic Wand

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As we've discussed I'm leaning toward using CLE LA next year. Here's my question: We're long-time R&S users and I appreciate the explanations R&S offers, particularly as we approach grade 8. Do you feel CLE offers adequate explanations? This is the only negative remark I've heard about CLE.


I've compared the S&S, they are similar in many regards, although R&S seems to emphasize writing more in grade 8. We're happy with IEW and wouldn't be using most of the writing instruction in R&S. My dd will need spelling beyond CLE so the inclusion of spelling is not a substantial draw, although any additional spelling emphasis is a bonus. Dd has indicated that she prefers the workbook format of CLE and we've had an excellent experience with CLE math.


Are the diagramming instructions clear? Are the teacher manuals helpful or necessary?



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As we've discussed I'm leaning toward using CLE LA next year. Here's my question: We're long-time R&S users and I appreciate the explanations R&S offers, particularly as we approach grade 8. Do you feel CLE offers adequate explanations? This is the only negative remark I've heard about CLE.


I've compared the S&S, they are similar in many regards, although R&S seems to emphasize writing more in grade 8. We're happy with IEW and wouldn't be using most of the writing instruction in R&S. My dd will need spelling beyond CLE so the inclusion of spelling is not a substantial draw, although any additional spelling emphasis is a bonus. Dd has indicated that she prefers the workbook format of CLE and we've had an excellent experience with CLE math.


Are the diagramming instructions clear? Are the teacher manuals helpful or necessary?




CLE LA 7 has good explanations. They are very short and don't show as many examples as R&S but I don't find them lacking. CLE LA 7 is explanation then exercises & more explanation & more exercises in one lesson with spelling & penmanship at the end; unlike R&S which is read the whole lesson and then do the exercises/written work at the end. The TG is not necessary but I like to have it on hand for reference and am having ds use the alternate tests for review while he's doing the LU book study now (part of CLE LA 7).


This is our first year using CLE LA after using R&S E. for many years with both my boys. I like CLE LA very much and think CLE LA 7 is easier than R&S Eng. 7 (content is similar but layout makes it easier). I hated the first chapter of R&S E.7 - too much too soon. CLE LA 7, in the first lightunit, reviews all parts of speech and important sentence parts. CLE LA does a better job of continuous review than R&S. If you don't want CLE writing than skip 807.


The diagramming explanations are clear. There is less diagramming and some of the more difficult diagrams have the line skeletons drawn to fill in (workbooks and on tests).


I plan on using CLE LA lightunits 801-808 only. It looks like from the S&S that 809 & 810 are almost all review; that way we can do it 3 days/wk and leave more time for IEW writing. :001_smile:

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807 looks like it teaches the research paper and I actually liked the way it was presented. I really like your idea of teaching 801-808 3 days per week to leave more time for writing. We've been doing this with R&S - narrowed it down to 3 days a week; much more doable for us.


Now that you point of the differences in the approach, teaching/excercise, teaching/exercise vs. all teaching then exercises, I clearly see that difference between CLE and R&S.


I guess my only "hang-up", if you will, is that I'm so secure in the method and explanations provided with R&S. I think I'll just resolve my own insecurities and order 801 and 802. I've got to place an order for math anyway. It looks like we could also easily skim or skip the spelling and penmanship exercises.


While I have you...have you done any editing exercises? I. I've looked at IEW's Fix-it! but it doesn't seem to get good reviews and maybe is a little more than what we're looking for. The perfect solution would be CLE taking out the penmanship exercises in the upper grades and adding editing/proofreading practice. Can't believe they didn't ask me! HA!


I'd just like to add some exercises here and there, not spend a full year editing...any recs? What about Editor-in-Chief?


Thank you for taking time to clarify all this for me. I'm especially glad you mentioned 809 and 810 are review.

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IEW Fix-It!, Editor in Chief (paperback & CD-ROM) and Evan-Moor Daily Paragraph Editing and don't like ANY of them! We've used Daily Editing the most but I'm still looking for a better source (why does that comma belong there - what's the rule). I've been looking at Great Editing Adventures which looks promising - BUT I have all those others - grrrh ;).


CLE LA does have editing practice, more than R&S, but still not enough.

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I just received my CLE 7th grade materials and just wanted to add that they do highly recommend their english handbook to use with the program. They even reference page numbers in the lessons. I would buy it but I already own the R&S handbook and have barely ever used it.


there's the key. Actually, referencing the English Handbook works for me. I, too, have the R&S handbook and have only used it a few times. Thanks for sharing that.

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IEW Fix-It!, Editor in Chief (paperback & CD-ROM) and Evan-Moor Daily Paragraph Editing and don't like ANY of them! We've used Daily Editing the most but I'm still looking for a better source (why does that comma belong there - what's the rule). I've been looking at Great Editing Adventures which looks promising - BUT I have all those others - grrrh ;).


CLE LA does have editing practice, more than R&S, but still not enough.


I'll have to google it. I've also heard Grammar with a Giggle offers some editing practice? I have no idea, but I'm going to check it out too.

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I'll have to google it. I've also heard Grammar with a Giggle offers some editing practice? I have no idea, but I'm going to check it out too.


not Great Writing Adv. You can find it at CBD.


I went back & looked at my Editor-in-Chief B1 and it does give the gramma rules but it coordinates the paragraph with the picture which I don't like. If the picture info doesn't match the paragraph info then there's an error.

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