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Growing germs for "Healthy Me"


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Thanks! Basically we swab our hands and then put it on a lid that has been filled with tomato soup. We are to observe and record the germs we see growing there. We see mold. Should we be seeing something else? Do some bacteria that grow look similar to mold when there are enough to see them?

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Well, tomato soup --- that's a first!:001_smile:


There are some bacteria that do grow larger and dryer. I bet you have fuzzies growing though. Our air, is just full of mold spores. You should be able to grow staph from your hands. Was the experiment to show that we aren't washing our hands enough? If you are really trying to see flora, I might try to repeat the experiment but swab the inside of your mouth (still not sure about that tomato soup though). If you describe your mold (which is normal to have growing) I'll try to give you an educated guess on it. Color, fuzzy, velvety, etc.



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Some is white and velvetty and the other is the typical green stuff.:) Maybe we need less soup. It is touching the ziplock bag... there is very little air. Interestingly enough, the 2 year old's swab grew more mold. :lol:


Maybe we could do our mouths before and after brushing our teeth, then compare.

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Just guessing of course -- but the green is most like a Penicillium species. The white would most likely turn black in a few days and my guess would be Aspergillus species (probably niger). I did look up the tomato soup and it should work. It would be really hard to identify different bacteria that way though, esp. without a microscope. When I was in the lab, we had lots of different types of agars and broths. We could id most bacterias just by the way they looked on different mediums (we went on to actually do test to id them though). If I had more experence with the soup, I would be more help to you!



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