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Sonlight Language Arts

April Showers

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I'm thinking about using Sonlights complete curriculum for level 4 or 5. Has anyone used SL Language Arts? If so, what levels did you use and how did you like the program? How did your kids writing improve?


I use the lower levels of SL. The philosphy is based on Ruth Beechick methods of LA (and she was hired as a consultant). That meas the grammar is relaxed, she advocates studying a couple times, once in Jr. High and once in High School. They also use dictation, some narration (was suggested once a month in the old, not sure in the new), and weekly writing assignments.


It does work for a more grades than the "grade" designated. The dictation is taken completely from the readers, so it would be more important to try to line up the readers with your history than worry about what grade of LA you are using.


Any other questions?






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I'm thinking about using Sonlights complete curriculum for level 4 or 5. Has anyone used SL Language Arts? If so, what levels did you use and how did you like the program?


Beginning in SL Core 3, the History, Readers, Read-Alouds and Language Arts are all integrated with one another. The Language Arts in Cores below Core 3 are independent from the Core itself but tie to a particular readers package ("Grade 3 readers," "Grade 3-5 readers" among them).


Starting in Core 3, you will need to purchase the LA 3 to go alongside your Core, or you will need to purchase another LA program altogether. In other words, you wouldn't purchase Core 3 with the LA that goes to Core 4, or the LA that goes with the Grade 3-5 readers package. Language Arts 3 for Core 3 uses all of the Core 3 reading materials for the basis of its assignments, not just the readers. Of course, you can do the Cores 3 and above using another LA program altogether or make up your own writing assignments. Lots of Sonlighters mix and match and many supplement with other programs. I use R&S, for example, alongside LA3 for Core 3. I like the grammar of R&S and the creative (and Core integrated) writing assignments of LA 3.


Clear as mud? If still confused (and why wouldn't you be?) I'd order a SL print catalog, which makes the Language Arts choices much easier to understand than the online catalog.

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I'm one uses Sonlight only for History and Literature because I prefer a more demanding approach to language arts in grade school than they provide. That isn't to say that I don't agree with Ruth Beechick on a lot of things, but I prefer teaching more grammar and writing than she does. I used Sonlight LA one year and did go look at their new program at a friend's house over the holidays, but I'm sticking with what we're using.

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I used the program for a couple of weeks but felt it jumped all over the place. I didn't like how there was no review. I went quickly back to Rod and Staff. I love the simple lessons and the order. This is just my opion. I am using SL for History and Literature also.



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  • 2 months later...

I have used SL Language Arts 1, 2, 3, 4. We LOVE it. BUT, I didn't like the newer version this year. So I returned it for a refund and purchased LA 4, 5, and 6 of the older versions. I personally like the extra grammar from the older versions. The newer versions supposedly focused more on writing. I didn't find it to be so great. In fact while I am am using the SL Language Arts, I switched our writing to IEW. I wished I'd done it sooner! We love the dictation in SL, and the grammar, but now with the IEW writing we are in great shape. SL writing was very good, but we definitely prefer IEW. Writing is no longer painful, but fun!

But overall I am a die hard Sonlighter! Hope that helps! Rochelle

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