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Yet another vocabulary question -- Caesar's English?


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In poking around, I also found this program by Michael Clay Thompson from Royal Fireworks Press that looks like the content of Vocabulary from Classical Roots with more background and structure. So questions, questions...


Am I correct in my understanding of this?


Do I need the teacher manual?


Is the work done separately on paper?



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This is the program that we use. I would say more background and less structure.


The teacher's manual has all of the answers and quizzes for each lesson. You can use only the teacher's manual at that level. I buy both teacher and student books for vocabulary so my child can keep a book to work with.


There really isn't much writing. The few answers can easily be written on a separate page. The quizzes are meant to be photocopied from the teacher's manual.


Caesar's English is more discussion based. Where programs like Vocabulary from Classical Roots are easily done by the student alone and have very definite correct answers, the questions in Caesar's English are really meant to spur discussion. A child can choose any of the four multiple choice answers and if he/she understands the meaning of the word and meanings of the other words and can defend his/her choice that would be acceptable and even encouraged. I will often suggest a word other than the one my dd chooses, which forces her to defend her word choice against mine. :)


We find the program fun and I feel that the discussion of words helps her to retain the information more than a fill-in-the-blank approach. But, it requires quite a bit of parent involvement so time is always a factor.

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