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Strange PM Received


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I received a PM saying that spam had been coming from my computer and telling me to go to a website. The sender had banned under the name but said WTM forums would remove me. it seems like it was just a scam but wondered if anyone could confirm this for me. I'm a bit technologically challenged so would appreciate any information.

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I've deleted it so I guess I can't mark it for the moderator ( and i don't know how to do this). I was going to send a message to moderator about it but couldn't figure out how to so would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to do that. Thanks

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When you open a pm, there's a bar across the top that says:


Private Message: (whatever they had as the subject)


To the right of that you'll see a red and white triangle with an exclamation point, if you click on that you can report the email. :)




Matter of fact, I'll pm this to you, to make it easier ;)

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