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Charged using paypal???

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Buyers don't get charged, bu sellers do. Some sellers have started asking their buyers to send money using the "personal" option, rather than purchase. If done this way, the seller is not charged a fee. However, there is no buyer or seller protection with the personal payment, so you may want to take that into consideration when using this option.

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I posted this awhile back to try to explain... http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=126154

it is lengthy, but should help clear things up.

As the seller, I specify that I PREFER no fee personal paypal, and I give brief instructions on how to do this ("Click on the PERSONAL tab above the box where you enter the amount to send, then click PAYMENT OWED")

If someone doesn't want to do it this way, I don't refuse, but I do prefer the no fee option, and I usually use it when I am buying, as long as the buyer has a good reputation, and if it isn't a huge amount of money. If it is a newer seller or a large amount, I might send regular paypal for the protection. But 98% of the time, I use no fee personal paypal to save the other moms here some bucks.

Paypal keeps changing things and keeps us all confused!

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